Frame Fashion – which glasses suit your face shape?

There is no reason why you shouldn’t take your physical appearance into consideration, when picking out a pair of frames for your glasses. Just like your favourite shirt, it’s natural to want something that you’ll wear all the time to fit well, do its job and ultimately, to suit you. Matching your face shape to a frame style can be tricky. You may find that you try on a hundred pairs before the light comes on and the frames you’ve been looking for forever suddenly find themselves on your face. Optically challenged fashionistas, look this way!
Round face
If you’re blessed with full cheeks, a round chin and a gentle jawline, opt for rounder frames to complement your soft features. Cat-eye frames can also highlight round cheeks, showing off the full, natural warmth of your face.
Heart face
Heart-shaped faces are wider at the forehead and slim down towards the chin. 1950s styles such as cat-eye or Clubmasters are perfect for making foreheads appear smaller, as they taper out beyond your face and accentuate the brow.
Square face
If you’ve got a strong jawline and a broad forehead, you might want a pair of glasses that match. Square or angular styles are best suited to sharper face shapes because they add length to the face and bring balance to your bold features. Rounder styles will hide your lovely angles!
Triangular face
Triangle faces are widest at the jaw, so you may want to opt for a style that adds width to your narrower forehead. Strong brow lines or cat-eyes are perfect for this, as they’re wider than your forehead and draw attention to your eyes.
Oval face
Oval-faced people are the lucky ones -there are very few frames that won’t suit them! Why not go ahead and be a bit adventurous next time you’re in the market for a new pair? Experts advise going for a frame that is a little wider than the widest part of your face but other than that, take your pick!
Of course, not many faces conform completely to a specific shape. It’s about identifying which shape is the closest to your face and choosing your frames accordingly. For many glasses-wearers, glasses are an essential part of daily life, so why not treat frame-buying like picking out a brand new outfit?